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ICDC Announces Speakers for January 18 Indiana March

Hank Knerr

Speakers from left to right: Erin McClelland, Andy Muth, and Lynne Alvine
Speakers from left to right: Erin McClelland, Andy Muth, and Lynne Alvine

INDIANA, PA — Speakers were recently announced for this coming Saturday’s People’s March-Indiana. In solidarity with the planned national march in Washington, DC, the Indiana County Democratic Committee (ICDC) will host a local march on Saturday, January 18. It will start at 2:00 p.m. on the sidewalk of IRMC Park at 7th and Philadelphia Sts.


Erin McClellend, the event’s keynote speaker,  was born, raised, and currently lives in a working class steel mill town on the outskirts of Allegheny County and is the beneficiary of life surrounded by four generations of organized labor.


She spent 15 years as a substance abuse and mental health counselor and served as a program manager and director in treatment systems in multiple Western PA counties. In 2003, she began working at the Institute for Research, Education, and Training in Addiction.


In 2014 and 2016, she was the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Congress in Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District serving  Cambria, Somerset, Beaver, Westmoreland, Lawrence, and Allegheny counties. Being on the ballot in 2016 simultaneously with Donald Trump, she saw the issues of rural and working-class voters first hand that were ignored, carrying that consciousness with her to this day.


McCleland currently operates a small business working to improve government systems, processes, and policies while advocating for our public-sector workers. She recently ran on the Democratic ticket for Commonwealth’s Treasurer. She holds a degree from the University of Pittsburgh in Psychology and a Master of Science degree from Chatham University concentrating in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.


Joining McCllelland will be Andy Muth, a young organizer and Kittanning native. He is a graduate student at IUP and co-president of the IUP College Democrats where he leads initiatives to promote the Democratic Party's message and values among students.


He also serves as communications director for the Pennsylvania College Democrats overseeing outreach and messaging to engage young voters across the Commonwealth. Muth recently served as deputy campaign manager in the 2024 election for Malcolm Kenyatta's Auditor General campaign.


Lynne Alvine, Indiana County Committee Chair, will also speak and serve as host of the event. A long-serving Precinct Chair, she became chair for the County in July 2025. Alvine is Professor Emerita from the English Department at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. A native of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, she has studied at  the University of Northern Iowa (B.S. in Secondary Education/English), Bread Loaf School of English at Middlebury College (M.A. in English Language, Literature and Linguistics), and Virginia Tech (Ed.D. Curriculum & Instruction).

Alvine is a strong and active voice for all Democratic values and principles, remaining heavily involved in the Federation of Democratic Women, other political organizations, regional and statewide political committees and causes, and the rights of the LGBTQ+ communities.


The People’s March-Indiana, demonstrating a resilience of resistance, is organized to inspire, energize, and drive positive change.


In preparation for the march, the ICDC will host a sign-making workshop on Thursday, January 16, at their current headquarters at 572 Philadelphia St., Indiana. The workshop will be an open house from 2:00-6:00 p.m. with participants encouraged to bring sign-making supplies.


RSVPs for the event for both the march and sign making are not required but appreciated. You may respond by visiting the ICDC website. For more information, email the ICDC at



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